Author: ltieintern4

For cyber security related issues of businesses please visit: Type of keys encryption algorithms cryptography is classified under the following categories. Now cryptography is broadly classified under two categories namely symmetric key cryptography and asymmetric key cryptography, popularly also known as public-key cryptography. Now symmetric key cryptography is further classified as classical cryptography and modern cryptography. Further drilling down classical cryptography is divided into which is transposition cipher and substitution cypher. On the other hand, modern cryptography is divided into stream ciphers and block ciphers. Symmetric key cryptography Symmetric key algorithms are algorithms for cryptography that use the same cryptography…

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There is no flawlessly secure computer, there will always be bugs and viruses no matter how advanced and complex these systems evolve. Thus, system architects use an employing strategy called “defensive depth” which utilises many layers of varying security mechanisms to demoralise attackers. We have one of the most everyday forms of computer security cryptography. The word cryptography comes from the words “crypto” and “Griffey” which translates to “secret”. To make information secret, you use a cypher, an algorithm that allows you to convert plaintext to ciphertext which is gibberish unless you have a special key that lets you undo…

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Distributed denial of service, commonly abbreviated to DDoS, is a cyber attack made infamous by movies and the internet. Simply put, it is a situation where any sort of service on the internet is denied. This blog will take a deeper look into DDoS and its various types. Let us study these harmful attacks on a computer. To understand the DDoS attack, it is essential to learn its fundamentals. DoS simply stands for denial of services. This service could be of any kind. For example, imagine your mother confiscates your phone when you are preparing for your exams to make…

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There are several types of hackers. Some of them are script kiddies, black hats, white hats, grey hats, red hats, activists and blue hats. Script Kiddie Hackers Image Source For cybersecurity-related issues for businesses, please visit Some people simply go to Google, copy and paste somebody else’s script, and use it as if they are hacking, but they are not. These people think they are hackers, they are just getting started, they just entered the world of hacking, so the first “hat hacker” is the script kiddie. White Hat Hacker A white-hat hacker is an ethical hacker. These hackers…

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In the present time, every company generates and collects data. So, to manage such databases these companies process database systems. Let us take the example is Flipkart. Flipkart collects a huge amount of data and to maintain and make the most out of that data, they use a database system. Now we should have a look at what really is a database system. Database System For cyber security related issues of businesses please visit: It is comprised of two elements one is the database, and another is a database management system. A database is an ordered collection of information stored…

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We have quite many databases, but we will discuss a few. For cyber security related issues of businesses please visit: Hierarchal model This type of DBMS employs the parent-child relationship for storing data. It has structures like a tree with nodes representing records and branches representing fields. The windows registry used in Windows XP is a hierarchical database example. Network model This type of DBMS supports many to many relations. It usually results in complex database structures. RDM Server is an example of a database management system that implements the network model. Relational model This type of database defines database…

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In today’s world data is everything but to manage it one must master the art of data management. To play with the data and database we need to know the language that is understood by these databases and that language is SQL. SQL is a core of relational type databases. Because of its huge popularity, it is used by most companies today worldwide. After understanding the basic introduction, the first question that arises in our mind is what SQL is. For cyber security related issues of businesses please visit: SQL is an abbreviation for the structured query language. It is…

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We have a lot of data but do not know. Data Mining is a misnomer lot of people understand data mining in the wrong way, like if you are doing gold mining or coal mining and, in those cases, you are digging for the gold. Here you are not mining for the data; you are mining for the knowledge. So data mining is also known as knowledge mining or knowledge discovery in data mining. Data mining is so important because of the massive amount of data available, and according to statistics, the amount of data produced in the last two…

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A data warehouse is like a relational database designed for analytical needs. You have your database. You will be storing large amounts of data either in your database or even in the form of flat files. But Users cannot use flat files like excel for storing a large amount of data. There is a limit on how much you can keep in excel. So that is why you store data in some form of the database; for example, a few databases are those of Oracle, my SQL, and Microsoft SQL Server, all these things. So, you will store large amounts…

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There are three different types of cubes. The first one is MOLAP, ROLAP, and HOLAP. We also called M-OLAP MOLAP; this stands for multi-dimensional online analytic processing. ROLAP stands for relational online analytical processing, and HOLAP stands for hybrid online analytical processing. OLAP cubes Image Source For cybersecurity-related issues for businesses, please visit OLAP cubes where it will store your data. Now the analysis that will do the kind of queries you run there will be OLAP queries, which will all be on the multidimensional data. So, the data that is going to be stored inside your cube is…

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