Author: ltieintern4

What is a web scripting virus? Web scripting virus is spyware or Malware that can violate the security firewall of the web browser. However, unlike other viruses, this virus spread through webpages and ads as well. The feature that makes this more dangerous is that it can spread way faster than many other viruses such as a blaster, code-red, and others. The abbreviation of web scripting virus is WSV which will be used in this blog from time to time. As you can see the name of the virus, it is easy to tell where this virus lives, i.e., on…

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What is a Boot sector virus? The abbreviation of boot sector virus is BSV, which will continuously be used in this blog. By the name of this virus, it is easy to tell where this virus resides, i.e., the disk’s boot sector. Every time any disk is mounted, the computer automatically tries to read and execute its boot sector. Now imagine this specific disk contains a virus in its boot sector along with the other programs. Then you, without knowing at all, mount this disk in the computer. The computer will start reading it and executing it. In the meantime,…

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