Author: Samikshya

In the modern world, sensors have their own vogue. The wireless sensor network has recently gained its place in the research world and piqued the interest of many researchers. Let us first understand the sensor. It happens to be a device designed to respond or detect any kind of physical or natural interference that is taken as its input. It gives the output in the form of an electric signal for any advancement as per its design. WSNs are networks of widely scattered and focused sensors that measure and preserve the physical nature of the site before transmitting the gathered…

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Before we discuss how the digitization of data works let us first understand what exactly it is. The conversion of data in the form which can be read by a computer is data digitization. The output is what looks like images, videos, or documents that we encounter while using our system. The data that is digitized is ultimately in the form of binary numbers as the computer only understands binary. In other words, we can say that data digitization is nothing but the reformation of an analog format to numerical format. Digitization is very important as it forms a vital…

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With the advancement in technology, the growth in the components of a computer both in the quality and functionality have been drastically increased. The GPUs have evolved over time to the extent that they are now playing a vital role in bringing revolutionizing changes in many fields like gaming, machine learning, and many more. Before anything, we discuss we must have a basic idea of what GPU exactly is? It is a processor that is designed and specializes in accelerating graphics rendering to boost the user’s experience. It has the benefit of either being integrated with our system or if…

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Before we can discuss troubleshooting or exchange server we must know, what is Outlook? It is a creation of Microsoft that can function as your email as well as your calendar, task manager, contact manager, and many more. This software has been developed even for hand-held devices and one can synchronize their hand-held devices with their laptops or computers to view and continue their work. With the help of Microsoft’s Visual Studio, we can even develop our custom-made software which would be supported by Outlook or other Office components as one of their own. Fig. Link: ‘’ was originally…

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Ever since the era of the personal computer began there has been debate on which operating system is better. Like the programmers prefer Linux for security and handling while gamers prefer windows whereas the industrials or professionals prefer macOS for better performance. To understand the difference between the file system of windows and macOS we must first understand what is a file system? Have you ever wondered where the saved files go, or how is it accessed? Every file has a designated path and directory dedicated to it. These are known as the file system. If we talk about accessing…

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With the assurances of quicker browsing, uploading, and downloading speed, as well as improved connection, 5G may appear to be logical development for our increasingly tech-department culture. But, in addition to these facilities, 5G has been aimed to increase capacity and reduce latency. Many government agencies and companies are advising that there is no reason for concern about the impact of radiofrequency radiation on human health as 5G is steadily spreading throughout the world. However, some specialists are firmly opposing. These developments will have a significant impact on how rapidly we implement technology in our daily life for integrated applications…

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In the modern world, the rapid increase in the traffic on the networks already is indicating the need for an evolution of the current radio access networks. 5G wireless networks use ultra-dense small cells for efficient cognitive radio segmentation. It is to be anticipated that 5G will be offering up to three orders of magnitude greater network capacity, expansive quality-of-service levels per user in an energy-efficient manner. The concept of small cells is not new but ultra-dense networks have the objective to go further than the cellular offloading utilization by revisiting present radio network methods. In every five years, data…

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The goal of computer architecture is to ensure the reliability of a computer system’s performance, efficiency, cost, and dependability. The example of the tutorial set form may be used to demonstrate how the competing elements are most likely balanced. More sophisticated instruction units assist programmers to assemble greater space-efficient programs because a single instruction may also transmit multiple higher-degree abstractions. Longer and greater sophisticated instructions, on the opposite hand, take longer to decode and are much more likely to be high-priced to utilize efficiently. The greater the complexity of a large training set, the greater the danger of unreliability when…

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The replication of human intellectual strategies through computers, in particular computer systems, is called synthetic intelligence. Expert systems, natural language processing, speech recognition, tool invention, and foresight are examples of AI applications. Artificial intelligence (AI) is gaining momentum in cutting-edge culture. As they gain competence, these robots will be capable of observing and doing human-like sporting activities. Because it progresses, AI has the potential to have a significant impact on our first-class of existence. Everyone nowadays wishes to be a part of the AI era in some manner, whether as a client or via the use of an AI-looking approach.…

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To comprehend what machine learning entails, we must first understand the fundamental principles of synthetic intelligence (AI). AI is described as software that possesses cognitive abilities similar to those of humans. One of the core principles of synthetic intelligence is that computer systems must think like people and solve problems internally in the same manner that we do. AI is defined as any computer software that well-known demonstrates skills such as self-improvement, inference learning, or perhaps fundamental human abilities like image popularity and language comprehension. Within the subject of artificial intelligence, the subfields of machine learning and deep learning are…

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