Subnetting: Creating Efficient Network Divides
First of all,
A key idea in computer networking is subnetting, which is the process of splitting an IP network into several smaller sub-networks, or subnets. Network managers can effectively distribute IP addresses, improve security, and maximize network performance by using subnetting. We’ll examine the nuances of subnetting, consider its advantages, and offer helpful advice on subnet design and implementation in this extensive guide.
Much like any other structured society, the internet is driven by structure. Subnetting, a method for splitting a big computer network into smaller, more manageable subnetworks, is one of the essential components of this structure.expand_more This promotes efficiency, security, and better resource allocation.
Consider a sizable apartment building. Water delivery to each apartment separately would be laborious and ineffective. Rather, each floor or section of the building has a main water line that splits into smaller pipes.expand_more Subnetting works similarly for computer networks.

Title: A Comprehensive Guide to Demystifying Subnetting
First of all,
A key idea in computer networking is subnetting, which is the process of splitting an IP network into several smaller sub-networks, or subnets. Network managers can effectively distribute IP addresses, improve security, and maximize network performance by using subnetting. We’ll examine the nuances of subnetting, consider its advantages, and offer helpful advice on subnet design and implementation in this extensive guide.
Comprehending Subnetting
Subnetting is essentially the process of dividing an IP network into smaller, easier-to-manage segments known as subnets. Within the larger network, every subnet has its own range of IP addresses and subnet mask, acting as a separate network. Subnetting makes it possible to use IP addresses more effectively and to organize and manage network resources more effectively.
Advantages of Subnetting
Subnetting has various advantages for network administration and design, including:
1. Effective IP Address Allocation: Administrators can allocate IP addresses more effectively, cutting down on waste and preserving address space, by splitting a large IP network into smaller subnets.
2. Enhanced Network Performance: By dividing network traffic into smaller, easier-to-manage segments and minimizing broadcast traffic, subnetting can enhance network performance. By doing this, congestion is lessened and network performance is increased overall.
3. Enhanced Security: By allowing administrators to control resource access and isolate network segments to contain potential security breaches, subnetting enables the implementation of security policies at the subnet level.
4. Simplified Network Management: Compared to large, monolithic networks, smaller, more focused subnets are simpler to maintain. Subnetting makes it easier for administrators to implement network policies, solve problems, and carry out maintenance duties.
What Makes Subnet?

Subnetting is necessary for a few reasons:
• Expand_more Subnetting reduces the number of devices receiving broadcasts intended for a specific group by creating smaller broadcast domains. This frees up bandwidth for targeted communication. Large networks with a large number of devices can become congested, resulting in slow performance.
• Security: You can restrict access to specific subnets, adding an extra line of defense against unauthorized users. For instance, you can isolate a guest Wi-Fi network in an office from the main network that houses sensitive data. Subnetting makes it possible to implement security policies more effectively.
• Scalability: Managing a single, sizable network gets harder as it expands. With subnetting, new devices and subnets can be added with ease and without impacting the network as a whole.
• Better Routing: Subnetting makes routing easier by enabling routers to determine the destination network address more quickly.expand_more This lessens the strain on routers and enhances network performance in general.
Subnetting Principles
A large network address is divided into smaller subnetworks through the process of subnetting. Each subnetwork has its own network address and subnet mask.
• Network Address: This serves to distinguish between various subnets and identifies the network as a whole.

• Subnet Mask: A subnet mask with ones in the network part and zeros in the host part identifies the network address. Common subnet masks include (for a /24 network) and (for a /16 network). This 32-bit binary number defines how many bits in the IP address represent the network part (subnet) and how many represent the host part (individual devices). The number of contiguous one bits in the subnet mask, starting from the left, is indicated by the notation /24 or /16.expand_more
Using this as an example, picture an apartment complex with a particular address. Subnetting functions similarly to floor division in a building (subnets). Every floor has a distinct floor number, also known as a subnet address, and every apartment on a floor has a distinct apartment number, also known as a host address.

Procedure for Subnetting
The following steps are involved in the subnetting process:
1. Specify Needs: Establish how many subnets and devices are needed for each subnet.
2. Choose Subnet Mask: Make sure the subnet mask you choose can support the number of hosts and subnets you want. To make this step simpler, there are subnet calculators available online.expand_more
3. Subnet Mask and Original Network Address are the two factors used to calculate subnet addresses. To obtain the subnet address, a logical AND operation is carried out between the network address and the subnet mask.expand_more
4. Usable Hosts: The subnet mask designates the range of hosts that are usable within a subnet.expand_more To find the usable number of devices per subnet, subtract two (one for the network address and one for the broadcast address) from the total number of hosts that are permitted by the host bits that are still present in the subnet mask.
5. The broadcast address, which identifies every device inside a subnet, is obtained by setting all host bits in the subnet address to 1.expand_more.
Subnetting a /24 network, for instance (subnet mask is the network address that we will subnet into two subnets, each of which will have about 20 usable devices.
1. Subnet Mask Selection: A /25 subnet mask ( would be suitable since we require two subnets. This provides enough host addresses for two subnetworks to meet our needs.
2. Subnet Address Estimation:
o Subnet 1: (network address) & (subnet mask) = (Subnet 1 address)
o Subnet 2: In this case, the same /24 network’s network address is changed. Since there are 128 possible addresses between.0 and.127, we can increase the network address’s third octet by 128.
In summary:
Subnetting is a potent networking technique that facilitates more effective IP address distribution, better network security, easier network administration, and better network performance. Network administrators can create and implement reliable, scalable, and secure network architectures that satisfy the demands of contemporary businesses by comprehending the ideas and principles of subnetting. Subnetting is a fundamental networking skill for any professional, whether they are managing a large enterprise infrastructure or creating a small home network. [1]
[1] | “NetworkAcademy,” [Online]. Available: [Accessed 03 06 2024]. |
[2] | “geeksforgeeks,” [Online]. Available: [Accessed 03 06 2024]. |