Author: Sasi Kiran

“Hello my fellow technology enthusiasts, I wanted to speak about a subject that is recognized in its true nature by all but seldom understood. The topic is “Cloud Computing” and will be addressed in series. So, let ‘s dive into the world of cloud computing. In this blog I am going to focus on cloud storage which include: What is middleware? How middleware works? Types of middleware Why middleware is important to cloud computing? What is middleware? Middleware is software that provides programmes with common features and functionality independent of what the operating system offers. All middleware is generally managed by data processing, application services, messaging, authentication, and API management. Using middleware helps users to make requests, such as sending forms to a web browser or enabling a web server to return dynamic web pages depending on a user’s profile. Database…

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“Hello my fellow technology enthusiasts, I wanted to speak about a subject that is recognized in its true nature by all but seldom understood. The topic is “Cloud Computing” and will be addressed in series. So, let ‘s dive into the world of cloud computing. In this blog I am going to focus on cloud storage which include: Storage in Cloud Types of cloud storage Examples of cloud storage Storage levels Advantages of cloud storage Concerns in cloud storage How data is secured? Storage in Cloud It is a huge struggle to find enough computing space to house all the data they have collected. Some persons are investing in bigger hard drives. Others choose media devices such as flash drives or compact discs that are external. To make way for new records, desperate machine owners could remove entire folders worth of…

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“Hello my fellow technology enthusiasts, I wanted to speak about a subject that is recognized in its true nature by all but seldom understood. The topic is “Cloud Computing” and will be addressed in series. So, let ‘s dive into the world of cloud computing. In this blog I am going to focus on cloud computing security issues. Security issues in cloud computing Taking our series of “Cloud Computing” ahead, let’s discuss on how Cloud storage could have a range of security challenges that can place data in danger and make it more vulnerable to threats. For example, data in transit also falls at risk because it is no longer protected by a firewall while changing locations. This makes it more vulnerable to threats since the cloud was designed to be used by many users, since multi-user requires multi-access. The risk…

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“Hello my fellow technology enthusiasts, I wanted to speak about a subject that is recognized in its true nature by all but seldom understood. The topic is “Cloud Computing” and will be addressed in series. So, let ‘s dive into the world of cloud computing. In this blog I am going to focus on cloud service providers which include: Cloud service providers Services Provided by Cloud Providers Service providers Cloud service providers The data was historically stored on hard drives that were not safe and protected since everyone could access the disc. Today, cloud storage providers also replaced hard drive search technologies and come up with a fresh idea called cloud technologies in which the cloud stores data. Cloud storage systems are offered by many enterprises and they are very reliable. Click here to know more about how to choose your…

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Cloud Computing platforms Cloud infrastructure systems provide organisations with the ability to experience digital transformation where they provide cloud-based services, software, apps, distribution, or storage. Cloud platforms, not least through IaaS, PaaS, and particularly SaaS, have revolutionised computing, empowering companies to develop virtualized IT infrastructure and offer cloud-based applications, independent of the operating system of a customer. How to select a right cloud service provider? As more and more IT systems are externalised, it has become important for long-term sustainability to ensure that you choose the right cloud providers. However, the available competition is huge, with an even greater range…

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What makes cloud services popular? An increasingly rising sector is cloud computing. Heavy computational capacity is needed for new technology such as big data analytics, IoT, artificial intelligence and even web and smartphone app hosting. Cloud storage creates an alternative for companies to develop their in-house networks. With cloud computing, scalable computing resources can be enjoyed on a plug and play basis by anybody using the internet. Cloud computing is gaining traction among mid-size and small enterprises, allowing many enterprises without the need to invest in computer equipment and hardware to access application software over high-speed internet connections. Cloud technology…

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Virtualization in Cloud Computing Virtualization Basically, virtualization renders a virtual image or “version” of a virtual image. Anything like a server, operating system, network, or storage unit tools so that they can be accessed at the same time on different devices. Virtualization ‘s key goal is to control the workload to make it more flexible, effective and economical by converting traditional computing. Virtualization can be extended to a large variety of technologies, such as virtualization of the operating system, virtualization at the hardware level and virtualization of servers. For cloud based solutions for the businesses like Google, AWS and Azure…

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Today, at Let’s Tech IT Easy, we decided to start a new series that reflects the fast changing technology eco-system due to the “Cloud Computing”. Having reached this far, we realized that while everyone seems to have heard in some or the other way about “Cloud systems”, they still may not understand what actually does it mean. So, let’s take it easy and start with the first basic question…..What is Cloud Computing? Cloud computing is the delivery of computing services, including servers, storage, databases, networks, software, analytics, and intelligence, that deliver faster innovation, flexible resources, and economies of scale over…

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What is BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)? Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) refers to the practise of workers using personal computers to connect and access work-related applications and potentially important or confidential data to their corporate networks. Smartphones, mobile computers, laptops, or USB drives may be part of mobile gadgets. As often IT divisions fail to keep up with yearly improvements in technology, business staff gradually tend to view corporate data using their own computers. Scenarios for Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) enable companies to take quicker advantage of emerging technology. It also can reduce the cost of hardware and…

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What is zero-day? Today is going to be a very different topic than we what we usually discuss on “Let’s Tech IT Easy”. On the demand of my fellow team mates, who face this issue, I thought of explaining it for everyone to know and understand better. Hope it helps….:) Zero-day is a bug that is invisible to the party or parties responsible for patching or otherwise repairing the fault in applications, hardware, or firmware. The term zero day may apply to the vulnerability itself, or an attack that has zero days between the first attack and the moment the…

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