Why is it important to manage your password?
With the advancement of technology, many aspects of people’s lives are supported by the internet and the internet placed a strong emphasis on authentication to ensure that everyone can never have access to things that they are not supposed to. The most widely used method for authentication to be enforced is the use of a password. However, many if not most people around the world tend to utilize simple passwords such as their names or simply “password”.

When someone manages to gain unauthorized access to your password, it gives them the ability to cause many kinds of problems while pretending to be you. These problems can start from small harmless pranks such as changing profile pictures to very serious consequences such as emptying the bank accounts.
The term that can be used for people who use their skills to gain access to other people’s systems to commit cybercrimes is “hackers” and gaining password is one of their favored pass-times. Over the years these hackers have learned many methods to get their hands onto other people’s passwords & that is why it becomes utmost important to understand how to manage passwords properly.
How to manage your password?
While hackers have advanced their methods to gain access to your password, other people such as security systems providers and experts such as Benchmark IT Services have found ways to better manage passwords. These simple steps can help improve cyber security.
Strong password
A strong password is the simplest method to manage your password. This method makes it harder to guess your password and improve your security. However, creating a strong password is not a simple thing, and here are some general rules that should be followed when creating a password.

- Longer is better, at least 8 digits long
- The more complex, the better.
- Utilize a mix of lower and upper case
- Utilize abbreviated phrases, for example, using the phrase “To be or not to be” can be abbreviated by changing a few parts into number such as “2BorNot2B”
- Combine letters, number, and symbols
- Do not use repeated characters
- Do not use the same password for different accounts
- Do not re-use an old password
- Do not use personal information such as birthday date
- Never write the password down
- Never share important passwords
Password Tier
This approach divides your passwords into several tiers based on their importance, this way it is possible to determine how much effort is required for their creation.
Tier 1 for very important accounts such as banking and email accounts need to be very complex because they are the priority.
Tier 2 for the less important accounts that do not involve confidential or valuable information such as news site login can utilize less complex passwords that are easier to remember.
Password Manager

All those steps can help create a strong password, however, it also means that everyone has many complicated passwords that are hard to memorize nevertheless has to be memorized. The solution to solving this problem is to utilize a password manager. All those steps can help create a strong password, however, it also means that everyone has many complicated passwords that are hard to memorize nevertheless has to be memorized. The solution for this conundrum is to utilize a password manager like “Avast Password Manager”. It is a helpful software that provides security service by helping their customers manage all of their passwords, that way by remembering only one password for this software, it is possible to avoid the need to remember multiple passwords. You can buy an advanced version of Avast security that includes the password manager as well from a reputed supplier who can even set it all up for you when needed. However, it is crucial to understand that if this password is compromised then all the other passwords stored inside are also compromised, that is why it is very important to be extra careful when creating this one password and never forget that.
When creating a new account the software will offer to create the password before encrypting it and storing it securely. Additionally, it will also automatically insert the password when you need to log into your other accounts.
For those who are interested in a password manager, there are already many brands of password managers in the market and it might be confusing to search for a reliable one for this serious matter. The good news is, some of the most renowned and popular security software providers also produce a high-quality password manager, such as Kaspersky. Some providers might include them into their security software but some might be sold separately. Additionally, it might be a good idea to consult your local computer experts like “Computer Repair Onsite” when choosing the product that best is best suited to your needs because they have more experience in the area of cyber security.
Although just like any other system, the password manager might also suffer some breaches. However, upon further research, it can be seen that the number of times they suffer from an actual security breach is low compared to the other big technology companies. Additionally, even when they were breached most of these providers encrypt all of their data offering another layer of protection.
Two-factor authentication
Two-factor authentication or 2FA is a method to double-check identity. This method has been used in a few important sites such as banking. Logging in using username and password can be called a single-factor authentication, while 2FA requires one more method of checking identity. Some methods include texting codes, security questions such as the name of a pet, other methods include biometrics. In some websites, this option might not show but it could usually be accessed through the security or privacy setting of the websites.
While some websites require 2FA just for login, in most cases this second method is only prompted when executing important action such as transferring a large amount of money, changing account details. These extra steps reduce the risk of a security breach in case a hacker gain access to your password
Although all these steps might seem too long and complicated to be taken to log into your online accounts. However, this arduous process is crucial to avoid the mess that needs to be taken after a manages to gain access to your password and commit all sorts of crime. Additionally, it is also important to note that although these steps might minimize the risks of a security breach, it does not mean it is okay to ignore other security controls. Other security controls include updating antivirus and operating systems regularly acquiring security products from reputable sources (such as X-Tech Buy).
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