Windows 10

Windows 10 is one of the most versatile OS Microsoft has ever developed. With over one billion installs (according to Microsoft), Windows 10 now claims more than 73% of the Windows Market (State Counter), and Windows owns more than 73% of the desktop operating system market worldwide. World (net market share). In comparison, all versions of Apple’s MacOS represent less than 20% of American computers and less than half of the worlds. Linux accounts for around 2% overall, and both Ubuntu and Chrome OS are less than 1% globally.
With the May 2019 update, Windows 10 becomes more secure, reliable, and efficient than ever, providing features that will truly save you time and frustration, as well as keeping your computer safe. Of course, there is always room for improvement, but Windows 10 is better now than ever, and it continues to make progress with a series of constant updates.
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Windows 10 May 2020 update
With May 2020 update Microsoft brings in whole new features and performance. Some of the major improvements include: Faster Windows Search, Potentially unwanted apps blocking, Cortana chat- based experience, Microsoft Edge memory improvements, New Notepad features, and More kaomoji.
What does Windows 10 include?
- The Start Menu (Your apps and programs right at your fingertips)

Start menu is the replacement of start screen in windows 8. It is a table of content to all apps and folders you often use.
Lock or log out of your PC, switch to another account, or change the image of your account by selecting your photo to the left of the Start menu.
- Applications, Games, and Movies
If you are still using Windows 7, you will not have the App Store. Windows 10 can find the software you need for tasks large and small and lets you run applications in window or full screen mode. To upgrade to Windows 10, contact the Windows experts like Computer Repair Onsite or Benchmark IT Services.
Windows 10 comes with sleek and more powerful productivity and media apps, including new photos, videos, music, maps, people, mail, and calendar.
The Windows Store is not just for apps: you can rent movies or TV shows for rent or digital shopping, and you can also shop for your next level computer or Xbox console. Of course, you will also find a selection of PC games, many of which you can play on any of your logged-in devices.
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- Action Centre

The Action Centre displays Email notifications, system notifications, and notifications from apps. You can see a weather alert or birthday reminder. Windows 7 had an early notification feature, but those system tray notifications were removed after a short period of time and there were not much in the way of interaction.
- Speed
Compared to Windows 7, Microsoft’s new operating systems leave the old one invisible. DirectX 12, the 3D engine that brings game developers closer to metal for new levels of immersive performance, delivers another speed boost.
If you are still using older versions of windows like Windows 7 or 8. You are missing on one of the best features the windows 10 OS has Fast start up.
- Cortana
Nice to be able to talk to your technology. If you have ever used a smart speaker or talked to Siri, you know how easy it can be to communicate freely with your technology. “Hey Cortana, play music” or “take notes” are just the beginning. Now you can shut down (or hibernate) the PC with Cortana – very useful after a long day of typing on the computer.
Cortana is not just about voice commands. Her notebook tracks your interests by displaying pop-up information such as your favourite sports team results, local weather, and home traffic conditions. Cortana can also control smart home devices such as Philips Hue bulbs at no additional cost or smart speaker ad profiling.
- Security
Windows 10 gets the secure boot feature from Windows 8 and makes it more secure. This requires that any code when the OS is started must be signed by a Microsoft or hardware manufacturer. Unlike Windows 8, Windows 10 can be set on PCs so that this feature is not bypassed.
The other three security features for Windows 10 are Device Guard, Microsoft Passport and Windows Hello.
Recently, Microsoft added both ransomware protection and exploitation / threat protection.
Windows 10 incorporates multi-factor authentication technology based on standards developed by the FIDO Alliance. Hello operating system includes enhanced support for biometric authentication through the Windows Hello platform.
- Microsoft Edge

This new browser is designed to give Windows users a better Internet experience. It’s faster, safer, and includes many new features. Microsoft Edge is intended to replace Internet Explorer as the default web browser, but you can still use IE (or another browser) if you want.
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The interface of Windows 10 may look familiar, but there are many new and twists that you can apply to make it your own.
Windows 10 is designed to fit the user interface, depending on the type of device you use and the input methods available. It offers two different user interface modes. A user-optimized user interface for the mouse and keyboard, and a “tablet mode” designed for the touch screen.
A new iteration of the Start menu on the Windows 10 desktop, a list of locations and other options on the left, and tiles representing apps on the right. Menus can be resized, and full screen displays can be expanded, which is the default option in tablet mode.
Universal apps that previously could only be used in full screen mode can now be used in self-contained Windows as well as other programs.
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- You can navigate Windows 10 with Keyboard
Windows 10 provides many Windows logo key-based shortcuts that not only allow you to navigate Windows 10 interfaces quickly, but also allow you to easily implement many Windows 10 functions and programs. Click here to open the display table of Windows 10 shortcuts.
- Navigate Windows 10 with Touch
We have always said that Windows is built with the mouse. After all, the easiest way to use screen elements like the Start Menu, Task Bar, Toolbars, Ribbons, and Dialog Boxes is through mouse manipulation.
For tablet PCs that have no input devices other than touchscreen, it is now safe to say that Windows 10 is designed for touch applications. That is, instead of using the mouse or keyboard to edit Windows 10, touch the screen with your fingers in a certain way called gestures. Gestures include Tap, Double-tap, Tap and hold, Swipe, Slide, Pinch, Spread, etc.
Should you upgrade to Windows 10?
As you can see, Windows 10 is much more similar to older versions than Windows 8. It’s also faster, more secure, and will be supported by Microsoft for years to come. If your computer is currently running Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 and meets the system requirements, you can upgrade to Windows 10 by purchasing it here from Microsoft. For all of these reasons, we recommend that you upgrade your computer to Windows 10 if you can.