Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Amazon Web Services (AWS) is an Amazon company that provides people, businesses, and governments with on-demand cloud computing solutions and APIs.
AWS works on a principle called “pay as you go”. This means, it’s a curated digital catalogue with a variety of subscription and pricing choices to insure you only pay for what you use on the tech solutions we require. This allows us to only pay for what you actually use. There is no charge to cancel once we stop using your account, and billing ends immediately. We will save money on on-premises infrastructure without having to purchase a software licence with pay-as-you-go pricing.

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Services That AWS Provide
Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the most robust and widely used cloud platform in the world, with over 200 fully featured services available from data centers all over the world. Millions of customers, including the fastest-growing start ups, largest enterprises, and leading government agencies, rely on AWS to reduce costs, become more agile, and innovate more quickly.

In those 200 services, let’s get to know about some important and most used services,
- EC2 Instance:
EC2 stands for Elastic Compute Cloud. In Amazon Web Services technologies, EC2 instance is simply a virtual server. It is a web service that allows an AWS subscriber to request and provision a compute server in the Amazon Web Services cloud.
An on-demand EC2 instance is an AWS service that allows a subscriber or user to rent a virtual server by the hour and use it to run their own applications.
This instance will be paid per hour, with rates varying depending on the type of instance selected. AWS offers a variety of instance forms to meet the user’s specific business requirements.
There are 3 different ways of using the EC2 instance according to our necessity, they are
- ON-DEMAND – An On-Demand instance is one in which the company makes no commitment, can start and stop at any time, and pays a flat hourly rate.
- SPOT – Similar to On-Demand, but the company would have to “bid” for instances in the Amazon Web Services marketplace. The instances in your company will continue to operate until you stop them or the current spot price reaches your organization’s bid price.
- RESERVED – A reserved instance is one in which the company agrees to use it for a certain amount of time (i.e. 1-3 years). Depending on the type of contribution, discounts may be substantial.
Amazon S3 is a cloud domain service that allows users to store data over the Internet. S3 stands for Simple Storage Service .S3 is mostly used to store data in the cloud as objects.
Because of its enhanced infrastructure, Amazon S3 stores data with a high level of security. The data is dispersed across various physical regions and has a high level of integration.
This avoids data loss and allows data to be retrieved from the Internet regardless of time or place. Amazon S3 is highly available, so users can access their data with a single click and with little or no waiting time.
Amazon VPC is a network virtual private cloud (VPC) that is used to separate the network infrastructure of a user’s device. It is part of the AWS Networking domain. Every Amazon account has its own virtual network that keeps details safe from prying eyes. In AWS clouds, these networks are theoretically disconnected from other virtual networks. As a result, user data is secure in the AWS cloud.
Amazon Cloud Front is the distribution domain that is used to distribute information quickly and with minimal latency. Amazon Cloud Front is used to communicate with other AWS providers and to assist developers in sending content to end users in a consistent manner. Via the Global Content Delivery Service, AWS Cloud Front effectively manages all of the users’ content.
Amazon RDS is a database-related workload that is handled by Amazon Web Services’ Database domain. RDS enables users to create and maintain relational databases in the cloud, which store the infrastructure’s complex data.
RDs used to only support UYSQL, but now they support Oracle, Microsoft SQL, and Maria DB as well. The most important thing in this RDS is it lowers operating costs and frees up the database server from upkeep and service.
Mistakes to avoid while using AWS
There are some of the most common mistakes we have to avoid in order to make the most out of your AWS cloud footprint, they are
- Failing to proper configure security groups
Many AWS customers set up their cloud infrastructure incorrectly, resulting in security bugs and vulnerabilities. Many of these bugs create a security loophole in their network that can be abused by a number of security threats.
- Forgetting to clean up stale resources
In principle, AWS’ pay-per-use model is brilliant, but in reality, a misunderstanding of what “use” means leads to issues. Provisioned storage usually charges Amazon elastic block store (EBS) volumes. It’s best to carry just the amounts you’ll use in the future. Keeping quantities that aren’t intended for the future or that have simply been forgotten about can lead to unexpectedly large bills.
- Leaving instances running idle
One of the most appealing features of Amazon Web Services is the ability to choose and provision instances depending on your company’s operational requirements. It’s as easy as going through a wizard to add a new server. However, as a result of this versatility, users can easily lose track of their instances and forget to switch them off, similar to forgetting to turn off the lights in a room.
- Taking too few or no EBS Snapshots.
The ability to make virtual copies of EBS volumes at particular points in time is one of AWS’ coolest features. These snapshots are a great way to conduct backups on data that has changed since the last snapshot. The issue is that if modified data is not used often enough, it could be at risk in the event of a crash or other data loss event.
- Not taking advantage of multiple Availability Zones
AWS’ Availability Zones is a straightforward function that distributes a user’s workload across several data centres within a given area. Through managing load balancing across distributed servers, this is a very efficient method for lowering risk in the event of an outage. Unfortunately, most users do not consider spreading their workload before an outage occurs.
- Forgetting to release allocated Elastic IPs.
Users frequently overlook the fact that AWS charges for elastic IPs when they are not in use. With charges of a few cents per hour, the cost may not appear to be prohibitively expensive at first. However, we’ve discovered users with hundreds of idle elastic IPs literally lying around, which can easily add a few thousand dollars to the AWS bill each year.
In addition, if you still have issues using AWS, you can get help by addressing issue “Computer Repair Onsite (CROS)” clicking here and resolving it.

Solutions to Cloud Related Problems
Modern problems required modern solutions. Day by day with the increase of technology, the problem will also increase with them, so being update and learning all technological related problems to resolve the issue is a bit hard. So the best way to resolve these types of issues is to consult professionals. Before you begin troubleshooting any problem, you should have a good understanding of what the problem is, how it arose, what’s that affecting. To know everything about solving these kind of issues you can click here .
Talking about the professionals, the top and best team for solving these types of problems are the team of “benchmark IT services”, just by visiting there page on If you want any software tools related to the computer services simply click here.